Cooper, David, Tucker, Peggy, Mac, Ryder, Tate, Choice, Shiloh, Juliann, and Scotta |
Today's visit was an absolute blast and a blessing! Generally, I don't like to share last names of the individuals we meet to provide them some privacy. However, in this instance their surname is part of what made this meeting special. Everyone pictured above shares the same last name...ASHCRAFT. Albeit a crazy coincidence that we share the same name, there is no relation that we know of without pulling out an extremely detailed, and unfortunately incomplete, Ashcraft genealogical chart. Yet, with their charm and good looks...there must be a relation. :-)
Peggy, the Grandmother of this fun Ashcraft bunch, was our point of contact and the name we had along with the donation made to the Granite Mountain Hotshot Families. After the fire in Yarnell claimed the lives of our Hotshots, Peggy's niece who lives in Prescott contacted the family encouraging them to get involved. Peggy felt the desire to help and made a donation as a part of the Talking Rock fundraising efforts. Peggy lives in Burlington WA, approximately 70 miles from her son, David, in Seattle. She thought it would be a fun afternoon for the kiddos if we met at David's house for the visit. Boy, was she right!!
When we arrived at the Ashcraft home, David and his son Mac, were busy preparing hundreds of water balloons to be used as ammunition in a water fight. It only took a moment of brief introductions before the Ashcraft water battle was underway.
Tate, Shiloh, and Ryder |
Ryder, Tate, and Shiloh |
Peggy, Choice, Tate, and Shiloh |
Tate and Choice |
Ryder and Mac |
Ryder, David, and Mac |
Ryder and Mac |
Choice, Shiloh, and David |
Mac, Ryder, and Tate |
Choice, David, and Shiloh |
Ryder |
Shiloh, Tate, and Ryder |
Choice and Shiloh |
Juliann, Mac, David, and Peggy |
David, Juliann, Choice, Shiloh, Mac, and Peggy |
As the kids spent hours blasting one another with water, I enjoyed getting to know Peggy, David, and Scotta (David's beautiful wife). David and Scotta are also parents to four Ashcraft children, all boys: Gus, Tucker, Mac, and Cooper. We were blessed to meet the younger three boys during our visit with them today.
Tate and Cooper |
Cooper, Choice, and Tate |
Mac and Shiloh |
Tucker and Ryder |
David shared with me that he enjoys a career in public speaking. That made perfect sense given the charisma and comforting nature he displayed from the onset of our visit. Our kids immediately adored David. I began to pick his brain with regard to the way in which he prepares and presents his speeches. Before I knew it, he had out a sharpie and a large white pad of paper and was presenting an impromptu lesson to me and the kids.
David, Mac, Ryder, and Juliann |
Juliann, Ryder, Mac, Peggy, and David |
It was evident just how loving and involved David and Scotta are as parents to these four lucky boys. For that reason, I took advantage of admiring their consistency and asking many questions on how they handle certain parenting situations. I took away many helpful hints that I will be incorporating into our household regiment. One of these ideas is what the Ashcraft family refers to as "The Five C's". (see below)...
Character, Composure, Coachability, Concentration, and Conditioning |
The five C's have been hanging in their kitchen for years, reminding the family of their commitment to live these principles. When an unkind action is displayed or there is a disturbance of peace in the home, the instigator selects which of the 5 C's he has violated and writes a brief narrative on his understanding of why that particular characteristic is important. These boys were polite, respectful, kind, and charming...a byproduct of amazing parents who have instilled these values in them. Thank you David and Scotta for sharing some of your techniques with me.
And that wasn't all they shared with us. Peggy made delicious homemade snickerdoodle cookies from scratch. Each of us must have eaten a dozen of these delicious treats.
Ryder, Choice, and Tate |
For dessert after our snickerdoodle dinner, we had pizza and salad. The kids were still soaked from their prior water battle, so they ate on the patio. Luckily, it was an incredibly beautiful day in Seattle.
Peggy, Choice, Cooper, Tate, Shiloh, Mac, Tucker, and Ryder |
Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, and Mac |
In addition to the inspirational examples and lessons with regard to parenting, public speaking, service to others, and sharing, we took a few other souvenirs away from our day with the Ashcraft Family. Choice received some hand-me-downs from Cooper. His favorite item is this pair of crocs on his feet. He loves them so much, he now insists on wearing them all day and night.
Choice |
Choice |
Taters also received some hand-me-down flip flops from Mac...
Tate, Ryder, and Choice |
Tate, Ryder, and Choice |
And what Ashcraft outing would be complete without a few bumps and bruises, or as we like to call them "Badges of Honor". Tate found himself traveling at the speed of light on their scooter, before gravity took over and landed him in a pile on the sidewalk. His elbows will be a reminder for the next few days of his epic wipe out.
Tate |
Tate |
Thanks again Peggy, David, Scotta, Gus, Tucker, Mac, and Cooper for a wonderful time together. Your family has inspired us in so many ways to continually aspire to new heights and to continue to Spread the Better. God Bless.
Cooper, David, Tucker, Peggy, Mac, Ryder, Tate, Choice, Shiloh, Juliann, and Scotta |
I admire the Ashcraft family from Prescott Arizona and their message to "Be Better." In 2013 at Christmas time, I sent a "holiday gift" to help Juliann, as a Mom I realize the challenges of raising children and can't imagine doing it alone. In return she sent a heart-warming picture card of her and her children. My daughters and I choose a contribution to send every year in lieu of buying presents and we chose to send to Juliann again in 2014. Unfortunately, the check in 2014 was never cashed. I hate to think that she never got it, and would like to contact her again, but only have mail to rely on. Don't know if she remembers, but it's Lois from New York, and I will try to send a note to her this summer. If you could get her this message it would be appreciated. Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures. Enjoy your family!! They are precious!! Sending good wishes from New York!!