Bruce, Ryder, Linda, Shiloh, Choice, Juliann, and Tate
Day two we ventured down to Benson, Arizona to meet a couple who truly understands our current endeavor. Bruce and Linda have been full-time "RVers" for the past 18 years. They taught us the importance of living life to the fullest and doing what feels right in your heart. To their 3 children, 6 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren, they are wild and crazy for living such an unorthodox lifestyle. Given the common thread I share with their wild hair, I marveled at their courage and spent the afternoon picking their brains on mechanical questions pertaining to the functionality of our bus. Bruce was incredibly knowledgeable and shared a wealth of information with me that will help us on our journey. Linda, what a trooper. She was a wonderful example of a supportive wife. When Bruce fell in love with life on the road, she readily agreed to sell their homestead and travel alongside him. The love the two of them share was palpable and endearing.
We were grateful to be able to share Be Better Bands and Spread The Better shirts with them. They blessed our family with their anonymous contribution after the fire in Yarnell. And, today, they again blessed our lives. The kids hugged them and held tightly to their hand, sensing the love and compassion that is commonly felt from grandparents.
After sharing the day with such an incredible couple, I feel encouraged and ready for the road ahead. I pray that my time traveling will build a fraction of the character in me that was clearly and beautifully displayed by Bruce and Linda.
Safe travels, Juliann! I'll be following your adventures and discoveries. Hugs on the kids and on Morgan. That's what I call a true friend. :)