Monday, July 13, 2015

Stay Curious

When we were kids, we had a natural inclination to ask a lot of questions.  "Why" came before everything, we fed our need to discover, create and learn more about how the world works. 

Shiloh, Ryder, Choice, and Tate

Shiloh and Ryder

Tate, Shiloh, and Choice

Ryder and Shiloh

Ryder, Choice, and Shiloh


Choice, Ryder, Shiloh, and Tate

Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice


Later in life, we often let ourselves forgo the urge to let our minds wander.  After all, with so much else going on (adult responsibilities), anything extra can start to feel daunting. 

Juliann and Ryder

Juliann and Tate

This time in my life is allowing me to explore CURIOSITY.  Curiosity is how we learn, not only more about our world but about who we are.  It reminds us of how much we still don't know, and we can either approach that reality with fear or with excitement - I am choosing the latter.  At this time I have chosen to dive deep into a scenario I never would have thought to pursue.  After all, getting lost will help me find myself, right?


So, I urge you to gather the tools you need, muster up your curiosity, and go on an adventure.  There is always more to discover.

Stay curious.



1 comment:

  1. You are brave and I am so glad you are teaching your children to be brave too. Be strong, wise and safe.
