Thursday, October 1, 2015

PATRICIA and LINDA - Woodworth LA

Woodworth, Louisiana is home to a wonderful family; one who welcomed us into their home and their lives.  Please click on the link below for the media's account of our visit together:

Shiloh, Annie Ruth, Blaklyn, Virginia Kate, Choice, Juliann, Ryder, Tate, Linda, and Patricia
Our paths originally crossed in 2004.  I was living  in Florida working at Walk Disney World as a college intern.  I met my dear friend, Amanda, because she my supervisor at MGM Studios.  She took me under her wing and showed me the ins and outs of Disney, as well as helped me navigate Orlando.
I will never forget when she and I took a trip to her home town in Louisiana.  It was then that I was blessed to meet her mom, Patricia, her aunt, Linda, and her grandmother, Annie Ruth.  I was blown away as we pulled up to their front door after the flight and were greeted by a giant "WELCOME HOME AMANDA AND JULIANN" sign hanging in front of their house.  That hospitality and kindness continued throughout our entire visit.  I have cherished those memories for the last 11 years, and today, was blessed to add more chapters to our story.  

This tour led us to being reunited as they fit perfectly into the group of exceptional people we were looking to visit.  After Andrew's passing, Amanda and her sweet family put together a care package and sent it our way to ease our burdens.  It was such a tender surprise not only the thoughtfulness of their gifts, but the reconnection of friendship all these years later.  When the idea of the trip originated, I was eagerly anticipating the time that we would spend in Louisiana.  Unfortunately, Amanda was not able to be with us today as she moved to Texas to further her career.  I am hoping that we'll have an opportunity to stop by and see her on our way back to Arizona.

Just as I remembered the lovely welcoming from last time I visited their home, today was the same.  Patricia, Linda, and Annie Ruth had put together an entire spread.  Beautiful and delicious goodies to keep us busy as we caught up with one another.

When Linda brought out the personalized cake, I chuckled at the thought of my fortune from yesterday's lunch...

The food was almost as good as the company. :-)  In addition to the fact that I could listen to their accents for days on end without getting tired of it, it was also such a peaceful and loving atmosphere.  

Virginia Kate, Juliann, Patricia, Annie Ruth, Shiloh, Choice, Ryder, Tate, Blaklyn, and Linda
Virginia Kate, Juliann, Patricia, Annie Ruth, Shiloh, Choice, Ryder, Tate, Blaklyn, and Linda
Ryder, Choice, Tate, Blaklyn, and Linda
Juliann, Patricia, Shiloh, Choice, Annie Ruth, Tate, Blaklyn, Linda, and Ryder
Patricia, Shiloh, Choice, Annie Ruth, Tate, Blaklyn, Linda, and Ryder
Linda's adorable granddaughters were there as well.  Virginia Kate (5) and Blaklyn (3) were eager to have friends to play with.  They were awaiting our arrival and immediately upon our arrival, all 6 kids began playing together.  Shortly after their meeting, Choice proclaimed that Blaklyn was his girlfriend.  This seems to be a trend for him recently. 
Choice and Linda

Each of them had a great time using their creativity and imaginations.  Shiloh and Blaklyn created masterpieces of art...

Shiloh and Blaklyn
Shiloh and Blaklyn
Blaklyn, Shiloh, Choice and Tate
while Ryder's engineering mind quickly had him enticed by the concept of creating a homemade kite to fly in the brisk Louisiana air.  Construction was well underway when Annie Ruth thought she'd overlook the operation.  She is an absolute gem AND a world class chef.  I am pretty sure I ate my weight in her chicken salad sandwiches.
Annie Ruth and Ryder
The final result of his kite creation was really quite impressive.  I am constantly amazed by the way his mind works and how he can see treasure and a potential work of art in something that I would toss in the garbage.  Whenever I call him a hoarder he reminds me, "Mom, where you see trash...I see treasure."  There are times where he ends up being right and today was one of those times.  It isn't always the case, however, as I recall a broken Tupperware lid and an empty Kleenex box sitting on his desk at home.

He ran circles around their gorgeous backyard, assisting his kite throughout take off and landing. Showing off for the girls, of course.


I was finally able to get the kids to gather together in the kitchen to give Patricia the cards and be better bands we had brought for them.

Choice and Patricia
Choice and Patricia

Tate and Patricia

Ryder and Patricia
Ryder and Patricia
By the time the three boys had shared their cards with Patricia, I had already lost Shy again.  It turned out, she was back in the playroom with Virginia Kate and Blaklyn.

I can't say that I blame her though.  This playroom was a child's paradise.  It reminded me of the ambiance around Amanda and I when we met at Disney World.  The kiddos were in heaven!

Virginia Kate, Shiloh, and Blaklyn
Blaklyn, Virginia Kate, and Shiloh
Choice, Tate, Blaklyn, Virginia Kate, and Shiloh
We were eventually successful at wrangling them all together on the back patio for a few pictures.  I wanted to be sure to capture these moments.
Shiloh, Annie Ruth, Blaklyn, Virginia Kate, Choice, Juliann, Ryder, Linda, Tate, and Patricia

Blaklyn, Choice, Juliann, Virginia Kate, Shiloh, Ryder, and Tate
Annie Ruth, Patricia, Juliann, and Linda
Annie Ruth, Patricia, Juliann, and Linda

Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, Juliann, and Tate
Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, Juliann, and Tate
Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, Juliann, and Tate

I was humbled by the kindness and strength of these women.  They understand the value of loving others.  Just by being in their presence, you are given the sense that you matter...and that you are welcome in their family.  Each of these women have their own life story.  They are no strangers to the ups and downs that come in this life.  Yet, they are the gold standard for how to pattern your life in a way that brings joy to those around you.  They go the extra mile to make experiences such as these that much more special...true examples of how to spread the better! 

Before leaving Louisiana, there were a couple of other must-sees that I wanted the kids to experience.  The first of which was New Orleans.  At ages 8, 6, 5, and 3, they were pros at the dress-up aspect of this city.

Shiloh, Ryder, Tate, and Choice
Shiloh and Juliann
Shiloh, Ryder, Tate, and Choice
Shiloh and Ryder
Shiloh, Ryder, Tate, and Choice
Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice
However, in contrast to the other times I've visited New Orleans, having children in this city put me on edge.  From their questions about why they have so many beads here, to their desire to give their entire life stories to strangers, I was nervous that I may lose one or two of them in those busy streets.

Resident of New Orleans with Choice, Tate, Ryder, and Shiloh
Tate, Juliann, and Choice
Shiloh, Ryder, Tate, and Choice
Choice, Shiloh, Tate, and Ryder
We didn't stay out late, just long enough for them to see the French Quarters, Canal St., and Bourbon St.  Then we called it a night back at the hotel.

Shiloh, Choice, Ryder, and Tate
Shiloh, Ryder, Choice, and Tate
Shiloh, Choice, Ryder, and Tate
Shiloh, Tate, Choice, and Ryder
Ryder, Choice, Tate, and Shiloh
Ryder, Choice, Tate, and Shiloh
Juliann and Shiloh
Ryder, Choice, Juliann, and Tate
At a souvenir shop on Canal St. they all picked out a little toy voodoo doll.  (sounds bad, I know).  Here are the messages attached to the toys each of them picked...

Choice picked "BESTEST FRIEND" ...I will help you and your BFF laugh at random things and make weird faces together. 

Tate picked "MR. FRANKEN" ...I will help you overcome the stress of the working day and enjoy your free time. 
Shiloh picked "GLADIATOR" ...I will help give you strength to fight for all the things you believe in. 
Ryder picked "THE ARMY" ...I will help you deploy, engage, and become a hero, as you serve and protect your country. 

As for me...

With those uplifting thoughts, they fell fast asleep in their beds.
Ryder, Tate, and Choice
In the morning, we had a more somber topic to discuss.  I talked to the kids about Hurricane Katrina. They are no strangers to the tragic effects that natural disasters can have on communities.  We talked about hurricanes and we drove to the memorials and cemeteries on Canal St. that are dedicated to the lives lost in that tragedy.

Shiloh, Ryder, Tate, and Choice

Shiloh, Ryder, Tate, and Choice

Ryder, Choice, Tate, and Shiloh

Shiloh, Tate, Ryder, and Choice


Choice, Shiloh, and Ryder

Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice
I wish there were only happy and uplifting aspects of our country's history, but unfortunately, the kids have learned the harsh reality of destruction and loss of life.  Staying true to the message of Betterness over Bitterness, we were also able to talk about the way that New Orleans has rebuilt even stronger than before.  I shared with them the way that the country pulled together to assist those who were affected by the tragedy.  They have seen face to face such individuals on our tour.  I believe they are growing stronger and more compassionate each and every day as a result of the great examples of these amazing people.




Ryder, Shiloh, Choice, and Tate
We had one last stop to make in Louisiana and it was a fun one!  We stopped by Avery Island, home to the Tabasco Factory.  100% of all Tabasco products around the world are produced here, on the island.
Ryder, Choice, Shiloh, and Tate
Tate, Shiloh, Choice, Juliann, and Ryder
Tate, Shiloh, Choice, and Ryder
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice
Choice, Ryder, Shiloh, and Tate
While the kids snacked on Tabasco flavored suckers, we took a tour through the factory.  It was awesome to watch the factory workers go through various steps in the hot sauce making process, i.e. picking peppers, mashing peppers, filling barrels with pepper mash, coating in salt, storing pepper mash, stirring fermented pepper mash, then bottling hot sauce and labeling for shipping.  On this particular day they were working on garlic flavored peppered sauce to be shipped to France.

Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice

Tate, Shiloh, and Choice
Tate, Shiloh, and Choice
Tate, Shiloh, Ryder, and Choice
In the Country Store, they have all of the flavors of the Tabasco pepper sauces available for tasting. The kids were good sports about trying new things.  A couple of their favorites were the Tabasco flavored soda and the Tabasco flavored ice-cream. 

Ryder, Choice, Tate, Shiloh, and Juliann
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate and Choice
Shiloh, Choice, Tate, and Ryder
After a long day, it was time to get back on the road and head out of Louisiana.  On the way to the car, Choice went right through a mud puddle and covered his feet and legs in mud.  That instantly put both of us in a foul mood.

We sat there in the parking lot for a moment to regroup.  Before getting back on the road, we took this guidance...

In the meantime, something very special happened...Shy lost her tooth!!!!!!  She was ecstatic.  Unfortunately, she really and truly did LOSE it.  The tooth was nowhere to be a needle in a haystack. 

Because she was empty handed, with no tooth for placing under her pillow, Shy wrote this note to the tooth fairy in hopes that it will suffice.  Stay tuned to see if a heartfelt, handwritten note is payment enough for the tooth fairy.

Shiloh's note to the tooth fairy

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