Tate, Ryder, Choice, Juliann, and Shiloh |
Of all the 50 states in our country, there were two that I was most looking forward to seeing on this trip...Alaska and MAINE. I am now lucky to say that I have visited them both. Due to the time of year that we visited these states, our time in Maine was even colder than our time in Alaska. Getting off the bus here in Maine was the coldest day of the trip thus far.
We began our day at the Nubble Lighthouse in York. This is one of those landmarks that I have thought of time and time again, "what would it be like to see that in person?" When you wind up having the opportunity to go to places that fit into that category, everything seems a little more real; a little more tangible.
Access is not allowed onto the island where the lighthouse stands, so this is as close as I could get. Despite the 40 degree winds, we made the most of our time there.
Juliann |
Choice, Ryder, Tate, Juliann, and Shiloh |
The kids climbed all over the boulders along the shoreline. Jumping from one rock formation to another would have kept them happy all day. I'm glad we had other places to go that required them to get into the bus and, consequently, warm up a tad. The thought never even crossed my mind when packing on a Spring day in Arizona, to bring along winter jackets.
Tate and Shiloh |
Rusty and Ryder |
Rusty |
Ryder |
Shiloh, Tate, and Ryder |
Nubble Lighthouse |
Choice, Rusty, and Ryder |
Shiloh and Tate |
Ryder and Choice |
Rusty, Choice, Tate, Ryder, Juliann, and Shiloh |
Choice, Tate, Ryder, Juliann, and Shiloh |
Juliann |
Shiloh, Ryder, Choice, and Tate |
Choice |
Juliann |
Choice and Tate |
Nubble Lighthouse |
Nubble Lighthouse |
Tate, Ryder, Choice, Juliann, and Shiloh |
Shiloh and Tate |
Choice |
Our time in York was brief as we had a stop to make at the Kennebunk Fire & Rescue Headquarters.
York |
Juliann |
The doors were locked when we arrived, so only Ryder and I hopped out in the cold to leave a note and take a photo. The others observed from the bus. Coming upon a fire station always brings me feelings of familiarity and belonging. There is no exception whether I'm in Arizona, Maine, or anywhere in between. There are great people in Maine spreading the better.
Ryder, Tate, Choice, Juliann, and Shiloh |
Ryder, Tate, Juliann, Shiloh, and Choice |
Choice, Shiloh, Juliann, Tate, and Ryder |
Ryder, Juliann, Shiloh, and Tate |
Kennebunkport, Maine |
Ryder, Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, and Tate |
The kids played in the leaves and collected some to bring back with us. This has been a favorite hobby for us in the Northeast.
Shiloh |
Tate |
Tate |
Shiloh |
Choice |
They also worked on some of their best dance moves.
Juliann |
Kennebunkport was an amazing town. It happens to be the hometown of the Bush family. Before heading that way to check it out, we spent some time downtown.
...Just "hanging" out...
Choice |
Every nook and cranny was dowsed with character and charm. It was a gentle invitation to celebrate the little things that make you smile. For me, this canal alley did the trick.
Juliann |
Tate, Ryder, and Choice |
As did this open deck, simplistically furnished with only two turquoise chairs.
All of this hard work and stress caused us to work up an appetite. The only suitable option for dining during your first time in Maine is fresh lobster.
I didn't realize prior to ordering the lobster that I would be working so hard for my lunch. I'd worked up a sweat by the time I cracked it all open and dug the meat out.
Juliann and Sebastian |
Juliann and Sebastian |
Jason |
The kids were all fascinated, or disgusted, by the entire process. I was very impressed that they each agreed to at least touch it. When presented with something unfamiliar and new, Tate always says, "okay, I'll try it". He even ordered lobster off of the kids menu for his lunch. However, he never actually took a bite. :-/
Tate, Juliann, and Choice |
I thanked the chef on our way out for a delightful lunch.
Juliann and "the chef" |
Before leaving Kennebunkport we drove along the coastline where the Bush family home is located. We not only saw their home but an array of the most incredible homes I have ever seen. The gorgeous sunset prompted our last series of photos in Maine...
Jason |
Jason |
Juliann |
The Bush home in Kennebunkport, ME |
Maine takes the cake for being one of the most beautiful places in the country. All of the scenic splendor in the world, however, cannot compare to the value of the company you share. The light in my children's faces as they ran down the streets was without question the most beautiful sight I saw today. Loving them, learning from them, growing with them, and celebrating them is the greatest joy in my life. I am so blessed to have them call me "Mom".
Ryder, Tate, Choice, Shiloh, and Juliann |
Tate, Ryder, Juliann, Shiloh, and Choice |
Ryder Bug, Shy, Tater Tot, and Choicey...
thank you for lighting up my life and teaching me the value of loving without limits. There is no length I would not go to, mountain I would not climb, or obstacle I would not conquer to be there for you. Daddy gave his life loving you, I promise to live mine doing the same. Keep being strong. Rely on your faith, creativity, and imagination. Never lose your desire to bring others happiness. Serve your fellowman as so many have served you. The future lies within you. Create with it what will uplift your soul and afford you bliss. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving me reason to do all of these things for myself. I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my babies you'll be...
What wonderful, amazing memories you are giving these 4. Memories that they will cherish when they look back at them as adults. Love reading your posts and feeling like we're right there with you all. Be safe!!!