Today was a wonderfully packed day in Vermont. It began by our blessed visit with David and Carleen. Meeting at the couple's church was the best option for parking the bus and allowing David and Carleen to miss as little work as possible.
Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, David, Tate, Carleen, and Ryder |
Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, Tate, David, Carleen, Ryder, and Rusty
The church building is surrounded by acres of beautiful maple and oak trees. Taking note of that when I stepped out of the bus made me wonder how long the kids would last visiting before they'd take off in that direction to play. |
Juliann, Choice, Ryder, Pastor Rob, and David |
You can see that slowly the number of children around us dwindled.
David, Juliann, Pastor Rob, and Shiloh |
Until it was just the adults visiting together.
David, Juliann, and Pastor Rob |
Thankfully, they were extremely understanding and gracious. It gave me a chance to talk to them candidly about our journey and ask them about the story of their donation and how it came to be.
David, Juliann, and Carleen |
David and Carleen live in the small town of Tinmouth, Vermont. Very simple, peaceful, and quaint. My question then became how did they hear about the tragedy and what compelled them to act? My heart broke into a million pieces as I observed David moved to tears at the recollection of those events.
"I was listening to a podcast the day of the fire", he shared. "We listen to a Christian radio station", Carleen added. David continued, "the host of the podcast was talking about the fire and the 19 men who lost their lives." Through his tears he went on to share how moved he was by the impact and the gravity of this loss. He felt deep within his heart that he needed to do something, anything, to help those of us who were so devastated. With that, he made a donation to the 100 Club charity to be used to assist the families of the Granite Mountain Hotshots.
He and Carleen were so full of humility. They didn't wish to be praised for their thoughtfulness but rather gave all credit to God. Speaking of God and their relationship with Him through their faith, Carleen shared, "He puts ideas in our hearts of ways to help others. Our duty is to act upon those promptings when we receive them." She didn't even know at the time that David had made that generous donation. It wasn't until she opened the letter I'd sent to them asking if we could please pay them a visit.
They were so kind to respond and allow us to pop in and use up part of their day today.
David, Juliann, and Carleen |
The kids were also using up their the middle of this grove of trees. We watched them for a couple minutes before calling them over to say thank you to David and Carleen.
Tate and Shiloh |
Ryder and Rusty |
Shiloh and Tate |
Ryder, Choice, Shiloh, and Tate |
Rusty, Shiloh Ryder, Tate, and Choice |
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice |
Ryder |
Ryder and Shiloh |
Choice |
Choice |
Ryder and Choice |
Choice, David, Ryder, Juliann, Carleen, and Pastor Rob |
They joined the conversation and Ryder shared with them the pictures they had drawn for them as well as the Be Better bands we'd brought for them.
David, Juliann, Rusty, Carleen, Ryder, and Pastor Rob |
It is always tender to hear Ryder speak about his Daddy's message and his interpretation of what it means to be better. It is endearing to see how it changes as time goes on as well. This trip is molding the kids on a daily basis. I am ever more proud of them each and every day.
David, Juliann, Carleen, Ryder, Pastor Rob, and Rusty |
Shiloh, David, Choice, Juliann, Carleen, Ryder, Pastor Rob, Tate, and Rusty |
David, Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, Tate, Carleen Ryder, and Pastor Rob |
David, Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, Tate, Ryder, Carleen, and Pastor Rob |
Shiloh, Tate, Juliann, Choice, David, Carleen, Ryder, and Pastor Rob |
Tate, David, Juliann, Carleen, Ryder, and Pastor Rob |
David and Carleen's pastor, Pastor Rob, spent a few minutes talking with us. After hearing about members of his congregation reaching out to bless the lives of others in need, he too was moved and inspired. In fact, he mentioned to them that they'd better brush up on the events surrounding the donation because he is going to ask them to speak about this message on Sunday. :-)
David, Ryder, Choice, Juliann, Carleen, and Pastor Rob |
David, Ryder, Choice, Juliann, Carleen, and Pastor Rob |
David, Juliann, Carleen, and Pastor Rob |
David, Carleen, Juliann, and Choice |
As we wrapped up our conversation to allow them to get back to work, they gave us a gift to take home with us as a reminder of Vermont. The most delicious maple syrup I have ever tasted! Dave makes his own maple syrup. He told us that he has to extract 40 gallons of sap from the maple tree to produce just 1 gallon of syrup. What an incredible undertaking, especially to do it as merely a hobby. Carleen chuckled when I asked if either of their two sons work with their Dad to make syrup. Her answer brought back vivid memories of my childhood canning or jarring with my Mom. "They are really excited and helpful for the first hour or so; then they're over it and leave Dave to finish it." Parents speak a universal language.
Carleen, David, Juliann, and Pastor Rob |
Carleen, David, and Juliann |
We were grateful to share our morning with an inspirational and faith driven couple. I felt so moved to dig a little deeper and more fully connect to my spirituality. Thank you Dave and Carleen for setting a righteous example for the world to see and encouraging others to Spread the Better. God Bless!
Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, David, Tate, Carleen, and Ryder |
Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, David, Tate,Carleen, and Ryder |
Clearly, we were all a little "jazzed" up after this visit...
Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, Tate, David, Carleen, and Ryder |
Ryder and Tate |
We explored more of the Vermont countryside as we traveled to our nest visit.
Often times as we are traveling down the road, something unique and intriguing catches our eye, prompting us to impulsively stop. This was the case as we came upon the Vermont Country Store. This place had it all! The interior is full of foods you may sample that are locally produced, old fashioned toys, comic books, antique collectibles, clothing, furniture; you name it...they had it. Thank goodness for the limited time we had between then and the next visit or I could've spent the afternoon getting lost in there.
Juliann |
The exterior and land surrounding the Country Store were also incredible. There was an old, historic covered bridge right next to the parking lot. The kids loved playing inside of it and running from one side to the other.
Tate, Ryder, Choice, Juliann, and Shiloh |
Choice |
Tate, Shiloh, Choice, Ryder, and Rusty |
Juliann |
Rusty |
A few hundred yards away we spotted another awesome historic building. We all made it over there in our own, unique way...
Rusty and Jason |
Ryder and Rusty |
Ryder |
Shiloh and Tate |
Choice |
Choice |
Tate and Shiloh |
Ryder and Shiloh |
Juliann |
Juliann |
Choice and Rusty |
We all eventually made our way to this old mill. It was so picturesque, I could've stayed there for days and been completely content.
Ryder, Shiloh, and Rusty |
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice |
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice |
Ryder, Shiloh, Choice, and Tate |
Ryder, Shiloh, Juliann, Choice, and Tate |
Ryder, Shiloh, Juliann, Choice, Tate, and Rusty |
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice
Juliann, Choice, Ryder, Tate, and Shiloh |
Tate, Jason and Juliann |
Rusty, Jason, Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, and Tate |
Ryder and Shiloh |
Ryder, Shiloh, and Choice |
Ryder, Shiloh, and Choice |
We were cutting it pretty close on time at this point so we made our way back on the road toward Pittsfield. Martha and Jim had invited us to eat dinner with them at their home.
The kids loved it there! It is an A-frame home that has been in Martha's family for decades. She and Jim live there now with their dog, Chloe, and their two cats. Needless to say, having six others added to the mix, 4 of which are young children, shook things up a bit. They were cool as cucumbers with the commotion. I wasn't so cool the whole time. As a matter of fact, there was one point where I wanted to crawl into a corner and die.
I could not make this up...
Jim suffers from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Over the past couple of years he has become reliant upon 24 hour a day oxygen. His oxygen tank is stationary in their kitchen and the tubing is long enough that he can move throughout the house no problem. A couple of times throughout the evening I heard him mention that he needed to sit down, was feeling light headed. Even at one point he checked his blood sugar to see why he was feeling so faint. Imagine the horror I felt when a good while later I noticed Choice out of the corner of my eye messing with his oxygen tank. When I leaped up from the couch and bolted to the kitchen to yank him away from the oxygen he said, "my turning the heater back on mama". I could've died a thousand deaths at that moment when I discovered Choice had in fact turned off his oxygen shortly after we arrived. It wasn't until we were eating dessert and Jim was feeling worse and worse that we got it turned back on. There was no covering that one up. I hung my head in shame and admitted to Jim that he outta start feeling much better soon. AHHHHHH, dang kid!
Other than a few episodes such as that one, the kids explored the beautiful countryside that Martha and Jim call home.
Ryder |
Ryder |
Pittsfield, VT |
Martha and Ryder |
Choice, Ryder, Martha, Tate, and Shiloh |
Choice, Ryder, Martha, Shiloh, and Tate |
Tate, Ryder, Martha, and Shiloh |
Shiloh, Tate, and Choice |
Tate, Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, and Martha |
Tate, Choice, Shiloh, Ryder, and Martha |
Pittsfield, VT |
Tate |
Rusty, Tate, and Shiloh |
Martha |
Shiloh |
Shiloh |
Tate |
Tate |
Choice |
Tate and Chloe |
Ryder, Choice, Martha, and Tate |
Jim (thanks to Choice) didn't have the strength to stand and man the grill, so Jason was asked to cook the meat. Shiloh wanted to help.
Shiloh |
They turned out to be delicious!
Jason |
While Martha and I prepared the rest of the fixings in the kitchen, the kids spent some time playing with Jim. He was so lovely with them. Playing games with Shiloh...
Jim and Shiloh |
Sharing advice with Ryder...He was a Veteran who served our country for years as a member of the United States Navy. It was touching to hear him share with Ryder some stories from his years in the service and some of his favorite places that he was able to see. Ryder felt a sense of connection with Jim because he too has been able to travel this year.
Ryder, Choice, Tate, Shiloh, and Martha |
Jason, Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Martha |
Juliann, Jim, Ryder, Martha, and Choice |
Juliann, Jim, Shiloh, Choice, and Martha |
Tate, Juliann, Choice, Jim, Shiloh, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Jim, Martha, and Tate |
Juliann, Tate, Choice, Jim, Ryder, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Tate, Jim, Ryder, Shiloh, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Ryder, Jim, Shiloh, Tate, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Ryder, Jim, Chloe, Shiloh, Tate, and Martha |
Martha, Jim, Choice, Tate, Shiloh, Ryder, and Juliann |
Before we called it night, Jim and Martha surprised the kids once more by giving them a brand new, never circulated, fifty-cent piece. This made their day! Thank you so much Jim and Martha.
Martha, Jim, Ryder, and Tate |
Jim, Martha, Tate, Ryder, and Juliann |
It was a little tricky getting a group photo because their dog Chloe wanted to be center stage. She was clobbering Ryder so she could get the spotlight. The rest of us were laughing so hard it was nearly impossible to get everyone looking at the camera at a given moment. These were our best attempts...
Choice, Juliann, Jim, Chloe, Shiloh, Tate, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Jim, Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Jim, Chloe, Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Jim, Chloe, Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, Jim, Chloe, Tate, Ryder, Shiloh, and Martha |
Juliann, Choice, and Jim |
You can tell by Choice's face in the picture above that it had been a long, long day. At least his eyes weren't at half mass because someone shut off his oxygen supply. UGH.
On that note, we thanked Jim and Martha for hosting us, blessing us, and welcoming us into their lives. They are truly miraculous and selfless individuals whom we feel privileged to have been able to spend time with tonight.
As for Choice, I've decided to let him live because I always get such a kick out of the things he says. While watching my write this post tonight, he said with regard to my typing..."MAMA, YOU FINGERS WAS DANCING!" :-)
Time to put my dancing shoes away for the evening. Sweet dreams...
Juliann - I am so loving this blog and following along in your adventures. Josh and I, along with our boys have said frequent prayers for you and your children over the past couple of years. This post hits close to my heart because Vermont is where my family is mom was actually born and raised about 15 minutes from here and as a child I spent a lot of time here in the summers. Vermont is my little piece of heaven on earth. I take my boys here as frequently as possible so that they can feel the peace and beauty that this part of the country brings. Fall is my favorite time to just don't see colors like those Vermont fall leaves here in Arizona. I loved seeing your picture of the Vermont Country Store. I have several family members (cousins) who work is one of my very favorite places to shop. Such a small world! In fact, Carleen and David are actually related to my cousins on a different side of their family. My heart seriously aches seeing these pictures because I want to go visit again so badly! I hope that this beautiful state brought a bit of healing to your heart. Twice in my adult life when I have experienced personal tragedy I have visited here to find refuge and strength. Please know that we love and care for you always. My oldest son, Davis, asked for one of your Be Better bands shortly after we told him about what had happened. We purchased one and he put it on as soon as it arrived. He never took it off...until it become so worn and cracked that it fell off about a month ago. He cried and cried when it happened. Luckily we had another one for him which he proudly wears now. He was once asked to take it off for a karate event he was participating in and refused to. He said it was something very special to him and reminded him to always do his best. What an amazing story you have and what an amazing influence your sweet husband has had on the entire nation. Peace and safety be with you as you complete this journey. You children are so fortunate to have you as a mother. One day they will cherish this opportunity you have given them in doing this. Love , Josh, Stacy, Davis & Max Hinton
ReplyDeleteHello you all I hope you had a great trip headed back home. I enjoyed meeting all of you you got a great bunch of children.
ReplyDeleteTake Care and God Bless Youse
Jim and Martha B
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