Sunday, September 27, 2015


I was thankful for the wonderful opportunity I had to speak at the Scottsdale Firefighter's charity event along with the inspirational 6 time Olympic gold medalist, Amy Van Dyken.

Amy Van Dyken and Juliann
Following the speaking engagement, I hopped on a red eye to get back to my kiddos who were staying with Andrew's brother's family in Clarksville, TN.  Here is a little peek at their time together...

Ashcraft Cousins: Choice, Nevaeh, Ryder, Rylee, Tate, Shiloh, and Audrey


Audrey and Tate playing soccer with the neighbor boys

Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice

Shiloh, Audrey, Tate, Ryder, Choice, Nevaeh, and Rylee


Ryder, Uncle TJ. and Choice

Tate, Shiloh, Ryder, Choice, and Uncle TJ

Thank you Angela, TJ, Nevaeh, Audrey, and Rylee for a sharing your home with the munchkins and showing them an amazing time,  We sure love you guys!

One good thing about a red eye flight is taking in the sunrise from up in the sky.  Unfortunately, pictures just simply don't do justice.

Sunrise from the air

Sunrise over the wing of the plane
I was so excited to see the kids and get back into the grind of our trip.  We were off to Georgia.
Ryder and Juliann
Our Georgia visit was to the Johns Creek Fire Department.  It brought immense comfort to be back in the company of firefighters.

Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice

Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice
We were given such a warm and welcoming reception.

Chief McGiboney, Chief O'Neill, and Chief Ramey with Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, Tate, and Ryder

Chief McGiboney, Chief O'Neill, and Chief Ramey with Choice, Juliann, Shiloh, Tate, and Ryder

The fire chiefs, firefighters, and support staff whom we met today were absolutely amazing.  They made us feel like family at the onset of the visit.  It was nice to be able to share with them that we felt like a part of their family even before our meeting today.

Chief McGiboney, Chief O'Neill, Chief Ramey, Meloni, and Heather with Tate, Shiloh, Choice, and Ryder

Chief McGiboney, Chief O'Neill, Chief Ramey, Meloni, and Heather with Tate, Shiloh, Choice, and Ryder

They gave each of us a hat or helmet to remember our time with them.  

Chief O'Neill, Choice, Shiloh, Juliann, Tate, Ryder, Chief Ramey and Chief McGiboney

Chief O'Neill, Choice, Shiloh, Juliann, Tate, Ryder, Chief Ramey and Chief McGiboney

Ryder and Chief 

The kids were thrilled when they realized they could turn their helmets over and utilize them as a premature trick-or-treat bag. They each left with more than their fair share of candy for the road.  I suppose this is the only element to our time together that I do not wish to thank them for. ;-)

Ryder, Shiloh, Choice, and Tate

Ryder, Shiloh, Choice, and Tate

Ryder, Choice, Juliann, Tate, and Shiloh 

Ryder, Choice, Juliann, Tate, and Shiloh
Their fire chief, Chief Patrick O'Neill, was an exceptionally tender and kind man.  He embraced the kids several times and got down on their level to interact with them in a gentle and loving manner.  It wasn't until he had walked us out to the car and I had the kids buckled up that he shared with me he had just undergone back surgery after falling from a ladder.

I cringed at the way the kids had been crawling on him and squeezing him with all their might.  I apologized emphatically for the pain this must have caused his back.  With genuine compassion, he said that playing with them today made him feel great!

Shiloh, Choice, Chief O'Neill, Ryder and Tate

Shiloh, Choice, Chief O'Neill, Ryder and Tate
Following our visit with the Johns Creek Fire Department, we headed to Atlanta to experience the history to be found at the Martin Luther King Jr. museum.

Shiloh, Tate, Juliann, and Choice

Choice, Tate, Ryder, and Shiloh
I was thankful for the moment we set aside to talk about Martin Luther King Jr, as well as the history of our country.  For kids, it is difficult to imagine that anyone would be judged for the color of their skin.  They don't recognize those things.  They see everyone as a human being and allow them their beautiful individuality.  Because of the stalwart dedication and courage of MLK, the ending to the historical account I was sharing with them had a lasting positive impact.

MLK's eternal flame
Tate, Ryder, Shiloh, and Choice

Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice

Juliann, Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice

Choice, Tate, Shiloh, and Ryder
Choice, Tate, Shiloh, and Ryder

Shiloh, Ryder, Choice, and Tate
The most interesting part of the museum for me was the way they incorporated two more of my heroes.  In addition to the Martin Luther King display, they had a room honoring and depicting the legacy of Gandhi and a room for the notorious Rosa Parks.

Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.

Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, Choice, and Juliann

Choice, Juliann, Tate, and Ryder

Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice

Even though we have talked several times about the life and impact of Abraham Lincoln, including his credit for abolishing slavery, the kids had never fully understood the discrimination and harshness endured by the African Americans in our country's history.

Dedication to Abraham Lincoln

Choice, Tate, Shiloh, and Ryder
The strength of Martin Luther King and his beautiful wife, Coretta Scott King, is the reason for the ultimate happy ending to the story.  I am grateful for the many teaching moments we've experienced along this journey that are hopefully shaping our kids' character and encouraging them to live an extraordinary life; one which will leave a lasting impact and positive footprint.

Shiloh and Juliann
Tate, Shiloh, Ryder, and Choice
Tate, Ryder, Choice, and Shiloh

Ryder and Tate

Tate, Shiloh, Choice, and Ryder

Juliann and Shiloh

Shiloh, Tate, Ryder, and Choice
Ryder, Shiloh, Tate, and Choice

Shiloh, Ryder, Choice, and Tate

Shiloh, Tate, Ryder, and Choice

Shiloh, Tate, Ryder, and Choice
We had a great time learning and remembering MLK today.  The kids were very receptive to learning, regardless of their level of comprehension, and were surprisingly well behaved.  Thankfully.

Shiloh, Tate, Choice, and Ryder

Shiloh, Tate, Choice, and Ryder
On our way out of Atlanta, we stopped by another outlet for them.  I keep pushing this family band concept, because after all, we already have the tour bus.  Yet, they prefer to simply "act" the part and not really develop any sort of musical talent.  I'll keep barking up that tree.

Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice

Ryder, Tate, Shiloh, and Choice

Choice, Ryder, Tate, and Shiloh
CHEERS to another great day for the Be Better Brigade.  The kids were passed out in the car before we made it to our next destination.  When they wake up in the morning, they will find that we have made our way back to Birmingham, AL for a visit that we weren't able to make last time we were here.

Shiloh and Choice

Ryder and Tate
Stay tuned...

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