Wednesday, September 9, 2015

KARE 11 - Minnesota

While passing back through Minnesota, we were asked to give a news interview to KARE 11, the Minnesota NBC station.  Lindsay (reporter) and Bill (cameraman) came to our bus and interviewed us in the area surrounding Vermillion Falls in Hastings, MN.  It was fun to chat with them about the motivation for our trip and where it has taken us so far.

Shiloh, Juliann, Choice, Tate, Jason, and Ryder

We were happy to show them the inside of the bus, the place we now call home.  We pointed out the state map with the colored states representing those we have visited already.  The kids were so excited to point out their individual bunks.

Bill, Juliann, Lindsay, and Jason
From the bus we ventured out into the park area to visit and play. 

Choice, Tate, Juliann, Ryder, and Shiloh

Choice, Ryder, Jason, Shiloh, Tate, and Rusty
We stopped at a really neat bridge passing over the Vermillion River to connect the microphones and delve further into our story.  

Locks have been placed all along the chain link fence lining the bridge.  Each lock has a name written on it. The kids were thrilled when they discovered a lock with their Daddy's name.  Just a gentle little reminder that he is with us.

Shiloh and Tate

Tate, Shiloh, Juliann, and Ryder


Bill and Ryder

Bill, Choice, and Shiloh

Choice, Bill, Shiloh, and Ryder

Bill and Shiloh
They were such good sports throughout the interview, and remained relatively calm long enough for the cameras to stop rolling. At that point, they let down their hair.  They began running, skipping, and dancing.  This was a much needed release of energy before hopping back on the bus.

Shiloh, Ryder, and Tate


Even Rusty had a bit of a wild hair...

The mayhem ensued as Ryder attempted to eat the world's cheesiest pizza...

And we adopted the role of Vikings or a short time.

Tate, Shiloh, Ryder, and Choice

Juliann and Jason

We settled back into the bus long enough to drive to one last stop for the day.  The kids occupied the drive time with intense coloring.

Shiloh and Tate

Ever sense I was a small child, I have wanted to be a pilot.  Just the sight of an aircraft takes me back to those memories of being a little girl who dreamt of flying.  I was the most excited one as we pulled up to the hanger where they keep 6 planes used for air shows across the country.  It is the Air National Guard Team and the Jack Link's team.


We walked through the hanger and learned all about their particular flight teams.  The kids were lifted up into the aircraft to see what it's like to sit in the pilot's seat.  Perhaps one of them will share a similar passion as their mama and take to flying.

Juliann and Shiloh



Choice, Juliann, and Tate


Ryder and Tate

I must have been feeling on top of the clouds today as we kept reaching new heights.  A nearby water tower with a connected ladder was calling my name.  We took a moment out of our afternoon to make the climb.


 It was rejuvenating to be so high up and put the hustle and bustle of life into perspective.  I hope we will all take time to slow it down once in a while...


Rusty and Juliann

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